Monday, September 30, 2013

Blog 8: Gelato-to-to // GELATE-TE-TE

Gelato-to-to // GELATE-TE-TE

               Do you know ice-cream? Every country in this world have their own language to call something cool, sweet, and soft as ice-cream which is English. Some country used to call the same thing as ice-cream, but the different is their accent. But, there is one country that calls their ice-cream as “Gelato” which is Italy, and then … what is “Gelato”? Is it the same as normal ice-cream? Or is it different?

            Gelato is an Italian ice-cream. Gelato made from milk, fruits, cream, sugar or nuts. Gelato is softer and lighter ice-cream than normal ice-cream. There is one of the gelato brands that impress me, and it is called “GELATE”. The special thing of GELATE is their gelato has strong taste as ice-cream but it is not contain of fat around 92-96%, you can eat them without worry of fat in your dessert, there is no preservative, and it is full of gelato flavor. They guarantee of the taste of Italy without going to the real place. 

    One of the truth that I found recently was the owner of this brand is Thai people. His name is Ithieak Kittiaunggul or Kun Te, and the name GELATE came from gelato plus Te. He studied in oversea and impressed by the taste of gelate, he decided to study how to make it and open his own shop.

    Gelato is other way to enjoy something sweet and cold as ice-cream, and “GELATE” is not a bad choice to try.

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